Book Snippets

Mary wanted Joseph resurrected with her

2 min • Digitized on June 17, 2021

From The Life and Glories of St. Joseph, in file "The Life and Glories of St. Joseph", page 421
By Edward Healy Thompson, M.A.

Note: This book does not have any approbations (Nihil obstat and Imprimatur). However, this snippet is included here because the points made seem reasonable and worthy of belief to the editor of But they are not matters of faith, and are at the reader’s discretion to accept or reject.

Many other reasons might be alleged in support of this belief, and in particular the desire of Mary.

When the Blessed Virgin rose from the sepulchre on the day of her glorious Assumption, would she, so to say, have been satisfied had she not seen her chaste spouse, Joseph, similarly glorified?

The most pure and holy marriage of Joseph with Mary was, like his paternity, to endure for ever. It was ordained in connection with the Incarnation of the Word, and, as that mystery was still subsisting, and would subsist throughout eternity, so was it also with this alliance.

The Word espoused human nature to Himself for ever, and Joseph was united for ever with the Most Blessed Virgin; and, as death did not sever the tie which united the Word to the Body and Soul which He had taken, so neither did it sever the tie which bound together the hearts of Mary and Joseph.

She loved him, and will love him as her spouse for all eternity, and must therefore have ardently desired the full completion of his bliss. Even if the loving heart of Jesus had not shared that desire, He must have yielded to the solicitations of her at whose request, for a motive immeasurably less pressing, He had changed the water into wine at the marriage-feast of Cana.

St. Peter Damian has left on record his opinion, that St. John the Evangelist is risen and glorified both in body and soul in Heaven, because he was like to Mary in virginal purity, and so intimately associated with her that we cannot conceive the one being raised without the other. 2 But how incomparably more weight such reasons have in favour of her virgin spouse!

2 Sermo ii. de S. Joseph.

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