Book Snippets

Prayer of St. Alphonsus for Obtaining Paradise

2 min • Digitized on July 29, 2021

From Manual of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, page 377
By A Benedictine in Conception, MO

Indulgenced Prayers of St. Alphonsus to the Blessed Virgin.

For Obtaining Paradise.

Queen of heaven! sitting enthroned above the nine choirs of Angels, nighest to God, from this vale of tears I, a wretched sinner, hail thee, praying thee, in thy love, to turn on me those gracious eyes of thine.

See, Mary! see the danger in which I am and ever shall be, whilst I live upon this earth, of losing my soul, paradise, and God. In thee, Lady! is my hope, I love thee and I sigh after the time when I shall see thee and praise thee in heaven’s courts.

O Mary! when will that blessed day come that I shall see myself safe at thy feet? When shall I kiss that hand so often outstretched to minister graces to me? Alas! too true it is, my Mother! that in my life I have often been ungrateful; but if I reach heaven, there I will love thee for all eternity, and make reparation for my ingratitude by ever blessing and praising thee.

Thanks be to God for having given me such trust in the precious blood of Jesus, and in thy powerful intercession. In these, thy true servants have ever hoped, and none of them has been disappointed. No, neither shall I be deceived in mine.

O Mary! pray to thy Son Jesus, and I will pray him too, by all the merits of his passion, to strengthen and increase this my hope.

Three Hail Marys.

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