Book Snippets

How the Saints, Prophets, and Patriarchs greeted Mary at her Glorious Entrance into Heaven

2 min • Digitized on September 7, 2021

From The Glories of Mary, page 502
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

Then all the saints who were at that time in paradise came to welcome her and salute her as their queen.

All the holy virgins came: They saw her, and declared her most blessed … and they praised her. (Cant. vi. 8) We, they said, oh most blessed Lady, are also queens of this kingdom, but thou art our queen; for thou wast the first to give us the great example of consecrating our virginity to God; we all bless and thank thee for it.

Then came the holy confessors to salute her as their mistress, who had taught them so many beautiful virtues by her holy life.

The holy martyrs came also to salute her as their queen, because by her great constancy in the sorrows of the passion of her Son, she had taught them, and also obtained for them by her merits, strength to give their life for the faith.

St. James came also, the only one of the apostles who was then in paradise, to thank her in the name of all the other apostles, for the great comfort and support she had given them while she was upon earth.

The prophets next came to salute her, and they said to her: Ah, Lady, thou wast foreshadowed in our prophecies.

The holy patriarchs came and said to her: Oh Mary, thou hast been our hope, so much and so long sighed for by us.

And among those came our first parents, Adam and Eve, to thank her with greater affection. Ah, beloved daughter, they said to her, thou hast repaired the injury done by us to the human race; thou hast obtained for the world that blessing lost by us, on account of our crime: by thee we are saved, and for it be forever blessed.

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