Book Snippets

Love of God should be the highest motive of all our works

1 min • Digitized on December 3, 2021

From The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales, page 55
By His friend, Jean Pierre Camus, Bishop of Belley


A whole mountain of virtues, if destitute of this living, reigning, and triumphant love, was to Blessed Francis but as a petty heap of stones. He was never weary of inculcating love of God as the supreme motive of every action.

The whole of his Theotimus (The Treatise on the Love of God) breathes this sentiment, and he often told me that it was impossible to insist upon it too strongly in our teaching and advice to our people. He used to say:

For, in fact, what is the use of running a race if we do not reach the goal, or of drawing the bow if we do not hit the target?

Oh! how many good works are useless as regards the glory of God and the salvation of souls, for want of this motive of charity!

And yet, this is the last thing people think of, as if the intention were not the very soul of a good action, and as if God had ever promised to reward works not done for His glory, and not applied to His honour.

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