Book Snippets

It was fitting that Jesus should be born of a woman always free from sin, so he could not be reproached by Lucifer with having dishonorable parentage

1 min • Digitized on February 10, 2022

From The Glories of Mary, page 342
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

It is acknowledged to be the greatest glory of sons to be born of noble parents. The glory of children are their fathers. [Prov. xvii. 6.] So that in the world the imputation of small fortune and little science is more endurable than that of low birth; for the poor man may become rich by industry, the ignorant learned by study, but he who is of low birth can hardly become noble; and if ever this occurs, the old and original reproach is liable always to be revived.

How can we then believe that God, when he was able to give his Son a noble mother, by preserving her from sin, would have consented that he should be born of a mother defiled with sin, and permit Lucifer to reproach him with the opprobrium of being born of a mother who once was his slave and an enemy of God!

No, the Lord has not permitted this, but he has well provided for the honor of his Son, by ordaining that his mother should always be immaculate, that she might be a fit mother for such a Son.

The Greek Church confirms this: “By a singular providence, God ordained that the most holy Virgin should be perfectly pure from the very beginning of her life, as was becoming her who was to be a mother worthy of Christ.”*

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