Book Snippets

More reasons given by Saints that Jesus should not have been born of a woman once a slave to Lucifer

1 min • Digitized on February 16, 2022

From The Glories of Mary, page 351
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

We should therefore hold it for certain, that the incarnate Word selected for himself a befitting mother, and one of whom he need not be ashamed, as St. Peter Damian expresses it.*

And also St. Proculus: He inhabited those bowels which he had created, so as to be free from any mark of infamy.*

Jesus felt it no reproach to hear himself called by the Jews the son of a poor woman: “Is not his mother called Mary?”* for he came on earth to give an example of humility and patience.

But on the other hand, it would doubtless have been a reproach to him if it could have been said by the demons: Was he not born from a mother who was a sinner, and once our slave?

It would be considered most unfit that Jesus Christ should have been born of a woman deformed and maimed in body, or possessed by evil spirits; but how much more unseemly that he should be born of a woman once deformed in soul, and possessed by Lucifer.

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