Book Snippets

Mary’s consent to marry Joseph was the highest honor he could receive

2 min • Digitized on February 21, 2022

From The Life and Glories of St. Joseph, in file "The Life and Glories of St. Joseph", page 128
By Edward Healy Thompson, M.A.

The opinion entertained by any person of another, and the estimation in which he is held by that person, derive their value from the wisdom and virtue possessed by the person forming this estimate. Wisdom is needed to penetrate and discern the true interior merit of the individual thus judged, and virtue to have a just appreciation of the merit.

Now, as the most holy Virgin had more wisdom than all men and angels, and as her virtue exceeded that of all pure creatures, the honour which she paid to any one and the estimate in which she held him must be considered to involve praise higher than could be conceded by the united commendation of all mankind and of all the angelic hosts.

This being presupposed, let us represent to ourselves Joseph and Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem interchanging their mutual promises in presence of the priests assembled to witness the most holy, the most necessary, and the most admirable matrimonial contract ever yet concluded.

The two words of consent which the Blessed Virgin pronounced sealed this contract, and at the same time formed a more exalted panegyric than angels and men united could have awarded to our saint; because by this her consent she published that of all men Joseph was the one who deserved to be her spouse; that she had chosen him from all others, with full premeditation, employing in the making of that choice all the virtue and supernatural light of her soul, together with a full and entire liberty; moved in this election by nothing save the greatness of his merits, envying none of her companions the great alliances for which they might be destined, but much preferring this poor artisan to all others, whatever might be their worldly advantages and endowments.

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