Book Snippets

The hidden life of Joseph and Mary

3 min • Digitized on March 13, 2022

#Joseph #Marriage #Mary

From The Life and Glories of St. Joseph, in file "The Life and Glories of St. Joseph", page 156
By Edward Healy Thompson, M.A.

But first and foremost was her solicitude to minister assiduously to the wants and wishes of Joseph.

She diligently prepared their simple meal and placed it on their little table, which had been made, we are told, by the saint himself. Here were no rich viands or dishes of silver and gold. All spoke of modesty, economy, frugality.

There was sufficient to support life, but no dainties to excite greed. There was peace and charity at that board. It was the “dinner of herbs” described in the Proverbs. “Better,” says the Wise Man, “is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasures without content. It is better to be invited to herbs with love, than to a fatted calf with hatred.” [Prov. xv. 16, 17.]

And if at that table there sat no company of noble guests, there was a band of heavenly spirits in attendance, sent by God to aid, guard, and comfort the holy spouses.

The words which Joseph addressed to Mary were simple and brief, and brief and simple were her replies, but full of ravishing gentleness and sweetness. He seemed to be listening to an angel, or to more than an angel.

Esteeming the virtues of her of whom God had made him the most fortunate spouse to be superhuman and heavenly, his respect was so great that it could not but manifest itself in his whole behaviour.

He could scarcely address her without inclining his head as to his lady and queen; and in all his words and actions there would never have been detected the slightest sign of that innocent freedom which commonly exists between good and virtuous spouses.

Let us hear what St. Bridget tells us our Lady said to her about her holy spouse. “Joseph was so reserved in his words,” said Mary, “that none ever came from his mouth which were not good and holy, none that were idle or complaining. He was most patient and diligent in labour, most meek under injuries, most attentive to my every word, strong and constant against my adversaries, a faithful witness of the wonders of God, dead to the flesh and to the world, alive only to God and to heavenly goods, which alone he desired, conformed to the Divine will, and so resigned to it that he was constantly saying: ‘Let the will of God be done in me; may I live as long as it is pleasing to God, that I may see His Divine will fulfilled’. He seldom conversed with men, but continually with God, whose will alone he wished to do; wherefore he now enjoys great glory in Heaven.”

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