Book Snippets

Prayer of St. Alphonsus for Pardon of Sins

2 min • Digitized on July 25, 2021

From Manual of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, page 373
By A Benedictine in Conception, MO

Indulgenced Prayers of St. Alphonsus to the Blessed Virgin.

For Pardon of Sins.

See, Mother of my God! at thy feet a wretched sinner, who has recourse to thee. I am not worthy that thou shouldst even cast thine eyes upon me; yet well I know that thou, beholding Jesus, thy Son dying for sinners, dost thyself yearn to save them.

O Mother of mercy! look on my miseries and have pity on me. Men say thou art the refuge of the sinner, the hope of the despairing, the aid of the abandoned; be thou, then, my refuge, my hope, and my aid.

It is thy prayers which must save me. For the love of Jesus Christ be thou my help, reach forth thy hand to the poor fallen wretch who cries to thee for succor.

I know that thy heart delights to aid the sinner when thou canst; help me, then, now whilst thou canst.

My sins have forfeited the grace of God and my own soul. Behold me in thy hands. O tell me what to do that I may regain my Saviour’s grace, and lo! I do it.

He bids me go to thee for help; he wills that I should seek thy tender pity’s refuge, that so not thy dear Son’s merits only, but thine own prayers too may help to save me.

To thee, then, I have recourse; pray thou to Jesus for me, and make me know and feel what thou canst do for one who trusts in thee. Be it done unto me according to my hope. Amen.

Three Hail Marys.

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