Book Snippets

Prayer of St. Alphonsus for Pardon of Sins

1 min • Digitized on July 26, 2021

From Manual of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, page 374
By A Benedictine in Conception, MO

Indulgenced Prayers of St. Alphonsus to the Blessed Virgin.

For Holy Perseverance.

Most holy Mary, queen of heaven! I who was once the slave of Satan, now dedicate myself to thy service forever. I offer myself to honor and to serve thee while I live. Accept me as thy willing servant and cast me not from thee as I deserve.

Mother! in thee have I placed all my hope. All blessing and thanksgiving be to God, who, in his mercy, giveth me this trust in thee.

True it is that in the past I was miserably fallen in sin. But through the merits of Jesus Christ, and by thy prayers, I hope God has pardoned me my sins.

Yet it is not enough, my Mother! to be forgiven, whilst the thought appals me that I may still lose the grace of God. Danger is ever nigh, the devil sleeps not, fresh temptations assail me.

Protect me, then, my sovereign mistress! help me against the assaults of hell. O never, never, let me sin again, and offend Jesus thy Son. No never, never more suffer me to risk my soul, heaven, and my God, by sin. For this one grace I ask thee, Mary! this I desire; this may thy prayers obtain for me. Such is my hope. Amen.

Three Hail Marys.

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