Book Snippets

Prayer of St. Alphonsus for a Good Death

1 min • Digitized on July 27, 2021

From Manual of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, page 375
By A Benedictine in Conception, MO

Indulgenced Prayers of St. Alphonsus to the Blessed Virgin.

For a Good Death.

Holiest Mary, Mother of goodness! Mother of mercy! when I reflect on my sins and on the moment of my death, I tremble and am filled with confusion. My sweetest Mother! in the blood of Jesus, and in thy intercession are my hopes.

Comfort of the afflicted! abandon me not at my death agony; fail not to console me in that great affliction. If even now I am so tormented with remorse for sin, connected by the uncertainty of forgiveness, by the danger of a relapse, and the rigor of divine justice, how will it be then?

Mother! before death overtakes me, obtain for me a great sorrow for my sins, a true amendment, and a constant fidelity to God in all that yet remains to me of life.

And when, indeed, my hour is come, then do thou, Mary! be my hope, be thou mine aid in the anguish in which my soul will be overwhelmed; when the enemy sets before my face my sins, oh! comfort me then, that I may not despair.

Obtain for me at that moment to invoke thee often, that with thine own sweet name and that of thy most holy Son upon my lips, I may breathe forth my spirit. This grace thou hast granted to many of thy servants: I, too, desire it and hope to obtain it.

Three Hail Marys.

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