Book Snippets

Spared Hell by Hail Marys

1 min • Digitized on May 24, 2021

From The Glories of Mary, page 692
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

19.—A certain baron who led a very sinful life was accidentally visited in his castle by a religious, who, enlightened by God, begged him to assemble together all his servants.

They all came except the chamberlain. He at last was forced to come in, and the Father said to him: “Now, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to tell who you are.”

And he answered: “I am a devil from hell, who for fourteen years have served this villain, waiting until some day he should omit those seven “Hail Marys” which he is in the habit of reciting, that I might then strangle him and take him to the flames of hell.”

The religious then commanded the devil to depart. He obeyed, and disappeared. The baron then threw himself at his feet, was converted, and led a holy life. *

* Spec. Ex. B. num. 69, et Crass, to. 2, tr. 6, pr, 1.

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